
Commercial and clinical medical devices must follow strict guidelines (outlined in norm IEC601) and undergo rigorous testing. Designs on this page HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED in reliable way and SHOULD NOT BE USED in any form of medical practice.

All the information are provided as-is without any guarantees, and for informational/educational purposes only. If you decide to use them to build your own devices or conduct your own experiments, YOU ARE DOING SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. Doing so may result in improper result, lead to injury or cause life threatening condition!

Authors try their best to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, they are not peer-reviewed or checked by independent sources, and may contain inaccuracies or error. If you decide to use them in your academic work or in any other way, verify them and use them with uttermost caution.

Therefore: everything is provided as is, without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.

In other words, if you decide to use anything you find on this website — the responsibility is yours.

Accuracy of information

Information presented on this website should be treated as potentially inaccurate and containing incorrect information. They represent authors current knowledge (at the time of writing) that is not guaranteed to be true or even partially true.

While we try to provide reliable descriptions, nothing on this website is peer-reviewed or even checked by medical / EE professional. As such, they must not be treated as reliable source of knowledge without prior verification.

Safety of presented designs

Information presented on this website should be treated as potentially inaccurate and containing incorrect information. They represent authors current knowledge (at the time of writing) that is not guaranteed to be true or even partially true.

While we try to provide reliable descriptions, nothing on this website is peer-reviewed or even checked by medical / EE professional. As such, they must not be treated as reliable source of knowledge without prior verification.

Use in real life

Information presented on this website should be treated as potentially inaccurate and containing incorrect information. They represent authors current knowledge (at the time of writing) that is not guaranteed to be true or even partially true.

While we try to provide reliable descriptions, nothing on this website is peer-reviewed or even checked by medical / EE professional. As such, they must not be treated as reliable source of knowledge without prior verification.


If the above leaves any doubt, then it’s better to err on the side of safety. If anything bad happens, you might injure yourself, others or even seriously risk someone’s life. Not to mention potential liability for all the harm caused. In other words – it’s not worth it.