
Commercial and clinical medical devices must follow strict guidelines (outlined in norm IEC601) and undergo rigorous testing. Designs on this page HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED in reliable way and SHOULD NOT BE USED in any form of medical practice.

All the information are provided as-is without any guarantees, and for informational/educational purposes only. If you decide to use them to build your own devices or conduct your own experiments, YOU ARE DOING SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. Doing so may result in improper result, lead to injury or cause life threatening condition!

Authors try their best to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, they are not peer-reviewed or checked by independent sources, and may contain inaccuracies or error. If you decide to use them in your academic work or in any other way, verify them and use them with uttermost caution.

Therefore: everything is provided as is, without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.

In other words, if you decide to use anything you find on this website — the responsibility is yours.

Please refer to safety disclaimer for further information. (click to read full disclaimer)

What is eMedical?

In short, it’s a collection of notes and references on various subjects related to electronics and medical diagnostics. A sort of dev blog if you wish to call it that way, documenting electronics experiments with measurements and signal processing.

From aspirations point of view, we’d like it to become a reference for anyone interested in medical devices and electronics. By sharing knowledge, references to other sources and ready-to-experiment designs we hope to help get people interested, curious and – from selfish point of view – learn by doing.

What eMedical is not?

We’re not device manufacturer and never intend to be. If you want to reproduce the results of our experiments, all required files (GERBER for PCBs, STL for mechanical components and source code) are available on our repository (remember that if you want to – you’re doing so at your own risk! See disclaimer above). We’re also definitely not a trusted or verified reference – all the information on this site represent the current knowledge of authors and may contain inaccuracies or errors. Authors are not professional equipment designers, nor they are trained electronic designers.

Why are we doing this?

Mainly – for the fun of it. Learning by doing and sharing what we know on the way in hope that it proves useful for someone else as well. The main motivation to start collecting this type of notes was lack of similar place – the basic information and details about diagnostic procedures, parameters used or simple experimenting setup is usually scattered across multiple places and forms. The intention is to bring the different pieces together and refer to original sources whenever possible.

As it is a learning experience as well for us, please point out any problem, misleading information, inaccuracy or simply a better way to do things! We’ll be more than happy to update the descriptions (and mention you in ‘credits’ section, if you wish).

Can I use it for … ?

Sure! All the information is provided as-is, but also covered by Creative Commons – by attribution (CC-BY) license (unless mentioned otherwise or referenced as part of external resource). You can use it in your studies, work or even commercialize it (but again – if you do any of those, you’re doing it on your won responsibility and we cannot be held liable for any outcomes or results of such actions).

Who we are?

Bunch of people who just like to learn and hack things together. None of us has any sort of medical or electronics education, and it’s not related to what we do professionally. In other words – it’s just one of the hobby side project that we enjoyed doing and though we might as well share.

Contact us

The easiest way to get in touch is to drop a mail at [email protected] . Please note that we’re not a legal entity, and we do not wish to receive any sort of offers or marketing communication.